Why Keyboard Is Not Arranged Alphabetically!!!

Why Keyboard Is Not Arranged Alphabetically!!!

Yes it is weird that why keys in keyboard is not set as alphabetically. What is reason behind  that ever thought about that, don't give pressure to your mind. We give you reason behind that.

Originally, the typewriters of the 1870. In that typewriter the keys  were alphabetical, where vowels are placed on top,while consonants are underneath. So what is the problem?
Typists got too fast.

Firstly, characters were mounted on metal arms or type-bars, which would clash and jam if neighboring arms were pressed at the same time or in rapid succession. Secondly, its printing point was located beneath the paper carriage, invisible to the operator, a so-called "up-stroke" design. Consequently, jams were especially serious, because the typist could only discover the mishap by raising the carriage to inspect what he had typed.

So placing character like in alphabetical manner (B-C ,J-K..) helps typist to write fast,results jam!!! Christopher Sholes found a way out. He proposed that the letters of frequently used letter pairs should be in different rows. So Christopher Sholes introduced new keyboard in which characters are placed in Q-W-E-R-T-Y manner.It makes the typist slow down and avoids jamming of typewriter..

As this design of keyboard becomes universal, still we uses Q-W-E-R-T-Y keyboard. However jamming is not problem of electric keyboard!!I hope now you have idea  why keys in keyboard is not set as alphabetically.


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